Phi Alpha Theta is a national organization composed of chapters in properly accredited colleges and universities throughout the United States. Membership in the Alpha Epsilon Gamma Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta at Yale University is open to students in good academic standing at Yale College who have demonstrated exceptional engagement and ability in history. A student need not be a history major to apply.

Though the national committee requires a minimum of 12 semester hours (4 courses) in History (earned in the classroom, online or through AP or transfer credits, or a combination thereof) and a minimum GPA of 3.1 in History and 3.0 GPA overall, Phi Alpha Theta at Yale views these criteria only as a starting point. Admission is selective and determined by serious interest and distinction in the field of history. Applications for induction into Phi Alpha Theta at Yale are rolling. Students who meet Phi Alpha Theta at Yale’s membership criteria may apply by completing a membership application form, found here.

Any questions can be directed to the Phi Alpha Theta at Yale President, Adam Shaw ( or Faculty Advisor, Professor Denise Ho (